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Eric was six years old. One night the thunder and lightning were so loud it shook the room where he was sleeping. His mother came into the room hoping to comfort the newly awakened Eric and to explain that she was in the next room and that even though it might be scary - he was not alone.

"Mommy," Eric whispered. "Can I sleep in your bed tonight? It is really scary and I want to sleep in your bed." "Eric," his mom replied. "You know there is no more room in my bed because that is where Daddy is." "Okay, Mommy," Eric sighed. And on her way out of the room, his mother overheard him say, "Daddy's a big sissy!"

There is something about being alone that we just do not like. In a survey of kids ages eight to fifteen, one of the top fears listed was being alone. Frequently, adults are paralyzed from life-giving action simply because they do not feel like there is someone who will go with them. Today, loneliness lists as one of the most common struggles of adults and teens.

Picture the scene of a five-year-old being dropped off for kindergarten, and you will see a lot of tears all based upon the anxiety of being left alone. Parents often volunteer in their kids' classes because there are a lot of kids who find great comfort when their parents are "with" them.

Marriages often spark because of someone you couldn't live without and whose presence in your life seems to have made it better in every way. Friendships can make us feel nearly invincible, as though we are definitely going to win in life. When some people are near, our strength, courage, and confidence all rise.

In the Christmas story, the angel said to Joseph, "he will be called Immanuel, which means God with us..." It seems that this is more than just a cool name we would shorten to Manny. Immanuel - GOD WITH US - is a name that is supposed to settle into how we relate with Christ moment by moment.

A quick search of the Bible reveals that "God with us" is a theme that runs from cover to cover, from Genesis to Revelation. "God With us" started in Genesis, when God walked in the cool of the evening with Adam and Eve. And in Revelation, we read that God will bring to close this side of eternity and open the next with this phrase. "And now the dwelling of God is with men, he will be their God, and they will be his people." In between, there is the repeated theme of "God with us…" Underscoring this amazing truth, Jesus' last words were: "I am with you always, to the very end of the age." The Bible is literally a chronicle of "Immanuel - GOD WITH US."

Immanuel - GOD WITH US. With us in our pain, our fear, our discouragement, and our worry. Immanuel - GOD WITH US. With us in our joy, our triumph, our laughter, our smiles, and our good decisions. Every day, in every place, the God of the universe has promised to be with us. GOD WITH US. Let that soak in for a little bit. It is quite the Christmas gift.

"God with us" is a Christmas message that God meant for each of us to carry every day. This Christmas, like the kid who finds great confidence, joy, hope, and strength in the presence of their parent, let the name Immanuel bring this confidence to you! Immanuel - GOD WITH US!

UNWRAPPING THIS GIFT Take a few minutes to think about the places God has been involved in your life and give Him thanks. Place an ornament on your tree as a reminder of "God with us."