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What Strategy Would You Use?

Leading from the Middle - How the Leadership of Jesus Launched a Movement

In Chapter 2 of Leading From the Middle - How the Leadership of Jesus Launched a Movement*, Leonard asks an important question of everyone who is a friend and partner with Jesus. Read this excerpt:

"Tasked with taking this mission (The Good News of Jesus) to every tongue, tribe, and nation globally, what do you do? What strategy would you employ?"

When I was a young youth worker taking a class on leadership, I was asked this question: "If you had unlimited resources, what would you dare to do in ministry?" I looked around the room as these gifted men and women dreamed of how their ministries would be changed "if only" they had cash and people.

I heard them speak of buildings, equipment, events, camps, and more. Some said they would open homes and schools to keep kids safe. Others dreamt of adventure camps that would remove kids for a season from all the messes of their lives.

Still, others dreamt of teaching parents how to parent, providing life skills for opening checking accounts and living, giving loans for businesses, and encouraging entrepreneurial endeavors. College funds, scholarship opportunities, music lessons, tutoring for struggling kids all made the list, and with each beautiful idea shared, we all smiled and made approving noises.

It is a great question, by the way, and these were great answers that came from sincere hearts. However, these strategic dreams all lacked one thing – unlimited resources. No person in that room had the funds to do what they dreamt. Now back to Jesus.

Jesus entered this world as a baby, born into a family that went into exile before He was three years old. When Jesus was about eleven, He returned to His own country. Training and working as a carpenter until He was thirty, Jesus stepped fully into His mission and became a nomadic preacher.

He did not have the unlimited resources to build, provide camps, tutor, give music lessons, or do parenting classes. When He needed food, He tapped into His divine power, providing meals for thousands and successful fishing for some of His friends, but this was not His strategy.

His strategy was to build a generational disciple-making organic team that would also do the same. He made disciples. That was His strategy.

He trained His guys to do what He wanted. He trained the three boys to whom He was closest, the twelve men He had chosen, and the hundred and twenty to two hundred or so people who were in His circle to be disciple-makers. He trained them so well that He confidently told them that they would exceed His ministry.

"You guys will do greater things than I am doing," He told them.

Did Jesus preach? Yes, and He was so good at preaching that when people heard Him, they were amazed. Did Jesus heal people? Yes, and He was so good at healing and caring for people that people brought the sick from everywhere just in hopes of getting close enough to Jesus' robe so they could touch it.

This was the ministry Jesus did, but I suggest that the preaching and healing portion of Jesus' ministry was not the core component to His strategy to launch a movement that would last until He returns.

The strategy of Jesus was to train His disciples to make disciples so that their disciples would make disciples and that their disciples would also make disciples.

Generations of disciples would be made, extending the mission of Jesus everywhere a disciple went, not everywhere a church was started. In the first few centuries, the order was disciples first and then churches. Today it is attendees first, then converts and systems to keep people coming.

I would offer this thought: Jesus' strategy was so dependent upon His ability to train and make disciples who also made disciples that He didn't have a backup plan. There was no "Plan B" for Jesus, and the brilliance was that He did not need unlimited resources, just well-trained disciples connected to the same mission, methods, and strategies.

Who are you investing in right now in order that their faith might bear fruit? Is there anything from the life of Jesus that you could model?

(*Leading From the Middle - How the Leadership of Jesus Launched a Movement by Leonard Lee will be available for presale soon. Stay tuned for details on how to order!)