2 Timothy 2:2 Disciple Making Model
“What I taught you, you teach followers who will teach others too.
Multiplication & the Mission of the Church
My grandmother and grandfather were just two. However, they produced a family of more than 500 aunts, uncles, and cousins to the fourth and fifth connection. How does that happen - not biologically - but practically speaking? Multiplication. Kids, having kids, who’s kids have kids -multiplication is the key.
God, because of his heart of love and grace, seeks to seek and rescue the world. He made disciple making - multiplying generations - the core strategy of the church. Jesus himself started with 12, and within 350 years, Christianity had become central to the entire Roman Empire because their disciples made disciples who also made disciples. Disciple making that works is disciple making that moves past the 2nd, 3rd and into to the 4th generation. This is why Paul told Timothy - ME to YOU to FOLLOWERS to OTHERS - 4 GENERATIONS. The 4GENetwork is fully committed to serving you as you build multiple generations of disciple makers.
Lifeway did a research project that discovered 94% of the people who meet Christ were brought to Christ by someone less than two years old in their faith. Moving past year two of faith, most Christ followers do not share Christ. Their research also showed that more than half of people who follow Christ have not shared Christ in a meaningful way in the past six months. The average church in the USA is between 70-90 people but the average church sees one person from outside the church meet Christ every 12-14 months. Churches as a whole are not seeing many people come to Christ. Christians are not sharing Christ in meaningful ways, yet, this is the mission of the church - to make disciples.
We so strongly desire to see fruit that lasts. We want disciples to make disciples and we hunger for God’s will be done here like it is in heaven. Disciples making disciples is God’s answer to these desires.
Three Distinct Movements of the Church
Making disciples who make disciples to the fourth generation and beyond is about three distinct movements in your church.
First - a movement of vision and priority. The 4GENetwork helps clarify this vision and how to cast it to the church.
Second - a movement of training and development. People who do not make disciples who make disciples, because, almost exclusively, they are not trained to do this. The 4GENetwork provides training in disciple making in two key ways: 1) we train your people, and then 2) we train your trainers. We make disciples who train disciple makers.
Third - a strategic movement that activates disciple makers and keeps them activated towards disciple making. The 4GENetwork will help you build a strategic plan and process that grows as it is used.
Now, imagine 25% of your church living out disciple making to the fourth generation - as modeled by Jesus and commissioned by Paul in 2 Timothy2:2. Imagine 30% or even 50%. The 4GENetwork is committed to partnering with you to make this a reality. We believe that within the church lies the Disciple Making DNA and that the mission of the church is to become a multi-generational disciple making community of faith; 4GENetwork is passionate about building a partnership of Training, Consulting, Coaching, and Networking.
“The training provided by Leonard has been very practical and a great jumping off point to turn our 100 plus-year-old church into a church committed to multi-generational disciple making community of faith.”