Register Today
Register now for Too Good to Keep: Learning to Unleash Your Disciple Making DNA - our interactive, 2-day online training conference focused on making disciples who make disciples through friendship, partnership, and stewardship. Register yourself or church below.
Friday, February 11, 2022 from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm (Pacific Time)
Saturday, February 12, 2022 from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm (Pacific Time)
Cost: $20 per person
The 4GENetwork will bring the training to your team via an online simulcast! We encourage churches to gather with their people in one location so can participate fully in the exercises.
The first response of Andrew, the Apostle and brother of Peter, to interacting with Jesus was to go get his brother, saying “Come and see”. For Andrew, Jesus put life and everything else in place and he was simply too good to keep to himself.
The 4GENetwork knows that you believe Jesus is too good to keep as well and because you do, we have created a training event just for you.
At Too Good to Keep (TGTK), you will discover and develop your own Hope Story and be given training on how to share this story. In addition, you will find incredibly useful skills in building bridges to people both you and God love, where conversations about life and faith become natural. Finally, you will be equipped to share the good news that Jesus really is the one who puts life and everything else together.
Don’t miss this special training event because Jesus really is too good to keep!