Join Us for Leading from the Middle!

Leading from the Middle

How the Leadership of Jesus Launched a Movement

“It is too much!” The two followers of Jesus had just experienced the extreme highs and lows of a week like none other. It was a week that began with a donkey ride and shouts of hosannah. Within five days, the people who shouted hosannah were shouting, “Crucify Him, give us Barabbas!” Now the conversation was a simple, “we are done, it is too much” as they made the seven-mile trek away from Jerusalem. Their hopes, their dreams, the investment of time, and sacrifice of family and career had died with Jesus - they were done.

Pastors, ministry leaders, and friends, while these conversations were 2000 years ago, they are also happening in a 21st-century version in churches across the world. Many times each year, we hear from a pastor or group of ministry leaders words that sound a bit familiar. “It is becoming too much, all the sacrifice, work, and investment, too much. We are done!”

The conversation the two disciples had with Jesus on the road to Emmaus took place in the Middle. It was on this road, he opened their eyes, and they returned to Jerusalem. He explained, he ate, he sat, and invested time in them, again. As he did, he changed both the condition of their hearts and the direction of their lives.

In about 50 days from this conversation, these two would become eye-witnesses to the birth of the greatest movement the world has ever known - the Church. It was a continued conversation from the Middle, not a sermon, that prevented these two disciples from wasting the investment Jesus had made in them and missing the birth of the Church.

Our Leading from the Middle Online Conference is this week (November 6-7). The two days we will spend together are focused on leading from the Middle - the place of leadership that Jesus used to launch a movement we call the Church. The hope and prayer of the 4GENetwork team and the many prayer warriors with whom we partner are that, wherever you find yourself, you would not miss what is coming.

In Leading from the Middle, we will challenge some of what we have been doing. Together we will strengthen our current ministries. We will share useful and practical tools to lead from the primary spot Jesus did most of his leadership - the Middle.

It is not too late for you to join us this week! Please visit for more information. Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions!