Daily Checklist for Sheltering in Place


A lot of people are feeling disoriented these days. Our routines have shifted. We’re working from home, attending school virtually, not spending time with people the way we used to, and doing church online.

I want to share with you a checklist I try to follow daily. Do it with me!

  1. Spend time with God. Read the Bible a lot; it contains life and hope. I encourage you to read the Gospel of John.

  2. Talk to God a lot. I pray for these six things every day. I pray for my family and friends. I pray for the church. I pray for God's work in the world. I pray to tell God how great He is. I pray for the people I serve, and I pray for myself. Try it - You'll like it (I know some of you were thinking that).

  3. Encourage someone. I text, email, and call someone every day just to be an encouragement to them. It moves my eyes off what I can't do or control to what I can.

  4. Take care of yourself. I am walking daily and eating right - the best I can. Also, I'm spending time in reflection and assessment, getting showered and dressed each morning, avoiding too much news and social media, reading books for fun and growth, and getting some good sleep.

  5. Choose what feeds your soul. The people who watch the news are not the most informed but the most anxious. Pick a source, give it no more than 5-10 minutes a day, and live! I do not take my news from anyone I do not believe has my best interest in mind.

We can thrive while sheltering in place. What’s on your daily checklist?