
Wonderful Counselor

277,257 is a really big number - do you want to know what it represents? 277,257 is the number of book titles that came up on Amazon when "self-help” was entered in the search box. There were over 427,000 book titles that came up when"psychology" was searched. That is almost three-quarters of a million book titles offering some form of wisdom focused on shining a light into the dark places that are within us.

God has a Thing for Names

J-Lo, Brangelina, Magic, His Air-ness...nicknames. Most people recognize the person or persons that correspond to each of these nicknames. We may not be celebrities, but some of us possess our very own nickname, too. Names like Shorty, Fats, or Slim represent a physical characteristic, while names like Rocket or the Bambino are given for a skill or achievement. Many people go by a shortened version of their name like JR, Joy, Lizzie, Abe, Ronnie.