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Unwrapping the Gift of Christ this Christmas

You are about to unwrap the true gift of Christmas. The Bible tells us that God loves us so much that His love caused Him to send His only son into the world. Jesus Christ is that son. When Jesus entered this world, 2000 years ago at Bethlehem, He entered for one reason - to bring us to God.

The wall that existed between people and God was created by sin and since everyone has sinned, we all experience this wall. There is only one way to remove this wall and that is to satisfy the penalty for sin. When Jesus died on the cross, that is exactly what He did. In the eyes of God, all sin was paid for.

This is God's invitation to you now that your sin is paid for:

“If you will invite me, Jesus Christ, to enter your life and ask me to forgive your sin, I will. When you ask me into your life, you are saying, ‘I turn from my sin to you.’ When you ask me to forgive you, you are saying, ‘I accept what you did on the cross as the payment for my sin.’”

Our commitment to God is to follow Him. His commitment is to forgive us, live in our hearts by faith, and to guide us all our days. And then when this life is over, He will receive us into His home - heaven.

Here is a simple prayer you can pray. Say it out loud or in your heart.

Dear Jesus,

I want to thank you for dying on the cross for my sin. I ask you to forgive me and I accept your gift of forgiveness. I turn from my sinful and broken way of living and choose to follow you as my Lord and my Savior. Will you live in my heart?

Thank you and in your name, Jesus, I pray. Amen.

If you prayed this prayer and meant it...Welcome to God's Family! This is the first step in an amazing friendship with God. Here are some ways you can stay on this journey:

  • Find a Bible believing church to attend, get to know a few people, and keep faithful.

  • Get a Bible and begin to read the Gospel of John. You can also read it at www.biblegateway.com. Or, download the Bible app to your phone or tablet.

  • Try talking to God daily. Spend a few minutes thanking God for His love, asking for His wisdom, and sharing what is on your heart with Him.