Hope is the currency of the human soul because we have the image of God. Hope underscores the belief that despite what is, there will be… a better day, a better me, a better season, and that the sun will rise, the waters recede, the rain will stop, and the promises of God are true. We were made to hope.
Hope is so powerful in so many ways. It has the power to fuel the weariest heart and mind, making what seems futile seem worthwhile. Hope lifts the eyes from the ground to the horizon, where a future is as real as the struggle. Hope lends to the vision poor, the strength impoverished, the courage depleted, the joy drained, what is needed to keep going, keep believing, keep serving, and keep seeing the goodness of God.
But as powerful as hope is, hope is a carrier of strength. It is both something I have and something I do. However, hope is a carrier of what brings strength, not a singular source of strength. In other words, I am not stronger because I have hope; I am stronger because of what hope does to the things I carry. Hope is the container for ingredients of faith like calling, courage, confidence, trust, belief, and the ability to see what is worthwhile in the struggle of our broken world. Because hope is a carrier of strength, our enemies’ attack is always on our hope, but rarely a direct assault against our hope.
Make no mistake; the enemy is coming for your hope. He knows that where there is no hope for tomorrow, there is no strength for today. He knows how powerful hope is in the frailest of Jesus follower’s faith. He understands that when we hope, we stay, live, love, persevere, see, trust, believe, obey, care, hold on, and so much more. This is why he is coming for your hope.
There are four assaults on hope that are essential to recognize - because he is coming for your hope.
If Satan can destroy your confidence in the goodness of God - your hope is next.
If Satan can destroy your sense of being a part of God’s mission - your hope is next.
If Satan can destroy your friendship with God - your hope is next.
If Satan can destroy your rhythm of immersion into God’s grace and truth - your hope is next.
Over the next few weeks, we will be writing about hope, talking about hope, and it is our prayer that hope will gain more and more traction within you.
Hope is so powerful in us because it is deposited within us by Jesus himself; it is what arrives when he takes up residence in us through the Holy Spirit. This is why the Bible tells us that Christ within us is the literal hope of Glory. Simply put, God’s presence within us secures our future, and this secure future gives us strength for today.
A few years back, I asked a group of people to finish this sentence;
“Because heaven is my home, I can (will) ____________.”
How would you finish this sentence?