Disciple Making


The sun had slipped behind the hills in the western sky, making the city dark. Soon, oil filled lamps and candles dimmed, doors and windows shut and the city went to sleep. For one man however, sleep was becoming increasingly evasive. The words of the young teacher were troubling at first and now these words had become downright sleep disturbing.


We know Jesus wants us to make disciples who also make disciples. We know this disciple-making commission was his final instruction to the 12 and for the church. We know that he made disciples so amazingly well, and we know all of their names. So here is the question - Have you ever spent a night in prayer asking God, “Who do you want me to disciple? Will you bring them to me? Will you show them to me?”

A Story

We live in a story. As a kid, I was a storyteller. “Show and Tell” was always TELL for me and I loved to color outside the lines and make my stories bigger and more adventurous than an eight-year-old would actually enjoy. Big stories, small stories made big, real stories, stories to illustrate a point - I had no idea these tools would become such a part of my toolkit.

Follow Me

I have spent my whole life in the faith world, and in that time, I have heard hundreds of messages on following Jesus, and I have heard just as many on fishing for men. What I have rarely heard are messages that are focused on the middle four words.

“Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Matthew 4:19

Fortifying Hope: God's Mission

Last week we were encouraged not to lose our confidence in the goodness of God because when we do, the enemy is coming for our hope. This week, let's consider together that when we lose confidence in or drift from the mission of God - our hope is the next to fall. Without hope, all strength goes away.